Author Spotlight, Giveaway, VIP Circle

Author Spotlight + Giveaway: Lindsay Flanagan

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an aspiring author who interviews her writing heroes, must fangirl over said heroes.

Hello, Rockstars!

Today, I get to spotlight another author (and editor) that I’ve known for a while, and who I absolutely love. Please meet Lindsay Flanagan.

She is an extraordinary (and award-winning) editor, writer, and more recently, co-publisher. I remember meeting Lindsay at a writers conference many years ago. Since then, I’ve attended classes she has both taught and moderated, worked with her as an editor (twice, because she’s that amazing), visited her book signings, and geeked out over writing projects on plenty of occasions.

It really is a privilege to spotlight her and follow that up with a fun giveaway all about her book, AnnaGrey and the Constellation. Her middle grade novel is not only beautifully written, but also the embodiment of whimsical. I really was not surprised at all by its fun, endearing, and deeply magical elements. It was a wonderful book to read and I would recommend it to everyone.

Check out the description:

The forbidden wildwood isn’t scary for a girl who can see in the dark. But is she ready for what it will illuminate?

When fourteen-year-old AnnaGrey meets a horned horse-like creature called an aeobanach in the forbidden Wildwood, she crosses the threshold from our world to a magical one in the hope of finding answers about her night-vision ability. She’s only too eager to leave everything behind-her mom’s secrecy about the past, her dad’s far-fetched tales, and especially the mean boy at school, Cross Silverstone. She and the aeobanach embark on a journey to create a potion that will change the aeobanach into its human form. But their quest is complicated by rebels seeking to overthrow a king who’s more interested in finding his long-lost son than ruling a kingdom.

After being captured and accused of being a rebel against the throne, AnnaGrey learns she might know where the king’s son, Silverstone, is. The king makes her a deal: bring his son back to the magical realm, and he’ll not only release her aeobanach, but he’ll help AnnaGrey discover the truth about herself. AnnaGrey must convince the boy who bullies her-who may be a kindred spirit in disguise-to come with her to the magical world so she can free her friend, get information about her night-vision ability, and go home-where the true answers about her abilities lie.

Absolutely lovely, right? Do yourself (and your bookworm kids) a favor, and get a copy. You won’t regret it.

I was able to ask Lindsay my five spotlight questions, and her answers resonated with me in a way that I was not expecting. Writing is like medicine for me as well, and being present when Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein idea was born would indeed be epic. Check out her answers in detail below.

Why do you write?

I penned my first story when I was seven–a story about a girl and her horse (the horse’s name was Black Beauty, which is rather original, don’t you think?). Writing words–stories, poetry, creative prose–is as essential to my well-being as food, water, and air. It’s as much of a healing balm as any medicine that could be prescribed. 

What/who inspires you in life (not in your writing, but in general)?

Fellow creators inspire me, whether they are writers, musicians, or artists. I’m also inspired by my daughters, who are still learning how to navigate life and embrace their talents. I’m particularly inspired by nature, by the mountains where I grew up. Photography is my second creative love, and when I have writer’s block, sometimes the best inspiration is to walk away from the page and go out and take some photos.

What are some of your favorite things?

Other than my daughters? Diet Coke all the way. 

What would your perfect day look like and how is it different from your actual everyday?

I’d love to write a book in one day! Although, recently, I did write 14,000 words in 7 hours but that’s because I didn’t have to cook, clean, take care of the kids or the dogs. My husband gave me a “write-cation” day, and I definitely lived it to the fullest!

If you could invite a group of writers (dead or alive) to a tea party, who would it be?

I’d probably want to recreate the stormy night in the Swiss Alps when Mary Shelley showed up every male writer in the group and actually penned the ghost story they all discussed writing, and the result was her Gothic masterpiece. So yeah, I’d like to go back in time and just sip on my tea and watch it all play out.

Like I said, she is amazing, and I couldn’t agree more with her answers. Except Diet Coke. Lindsay can keep those. I’ll take the Mexican stuff, made with white sugar and bottled in glass, preferably at the beach somewhere.

In addition to those five questions, I asked Lindsay two bonus questions for my VIP Circle (newsletter subscribers)

  •  What is your number one editing advice for writers?
  •  If you could recommend only one YA fantasy book, which book would that be and why?

If you want to read the answers to those questions (as well as enter the giveaway below), join my VIP Circle here. Trust me, her answers are worth it.

Now, onto the giveaway.

As part of today’s spotlight, Lindsay and I are doing something really fun. The Giveaway includes:

  • A signed copy of AnnaGrey and the Constellation
  • Two AnnaGrey and the Constellation stickers
  • One AnnaGrey and the Constellation bookmark
  • One blue ball-point pen with glitter and gem casing

This giveaway will run until June 30th and a winner will be randomly selected through my VIP Circle by July 4th. Open to U.S. residents only. Good luck!

Lindsay is also publishing a book of poetry and photography (did I mention she is also a photographer?), which comes out June 26th. To connect with Lindsay, follow here on Instagram, Facebook, or check out her website.

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And if you want to collaborate with me don’t be shy. I love to work with fellow writers, spotlight authors, and host writing challenges. I’ve also been known to swap short critiques on occasion. Reach to me here.

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